1.0 Introduction
2.0 Policy Statement
2.2 Use of the Internet/Zoom Services
2.3 Use of email
2.4 Use of social networking sites
3.0 Information and Communication Technology ICT and Young People
3.1 Use of Computer equipment and Young People
3.2 Communication with Young People
3.3 Defective Company Equipment
4.0 Version Control
1.0 Introduction
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT) refers to all the technology used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audio-visual (Video, film, movie, Advertisements, Youtube promotions list not exhaustive) processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.
AFSC ICT technology is only to be used within works time and work devices for work purposes only. The use of personal devices such as mobiles, tablets or other devices are permitted to be used on AFCS premises in your scheduled breaks.
It may be appropriate to refer to other policies as mentioned in the policy to be read as a supplementary to inform the application of this policy.
2.0 Policy Statement
AFC CIC considers the use and practical application of ICT by its staff/affiliates seriously, particularly when issues of safeguarding/safe working are being considered.
A Father’s Child Service’s CIC defines Computer Equipment such as Laptop PC’s, Desktop PC’s, Tablets, Mobile Telephones and Smart Watches.
Must only be used within the conduct of your employment, volunteering or as previously authorised. This is to ensure that any wear and tear is related to the needs of the business being met and not due to personal mis use of AFCS equipment.
In order to control the use of A Father’s Child Service’s CIC’s computer equipment and reduce the risk of contamination the following will apply:
The introduction of new software is NOT permitted by staff and can only be authorised by your Line Manager before general use will be permitted if at all;
- Only authorised staff, volunteers and trustees should have access to A Father’s Child Service’s CIC’s computer equipment and software (CRM);
- This equipment must be signed for if loaned so that a running Inventory is always available to A Father’s Child Service’s CIC
- Personal computer equipment must NOT be used when communicating with A Father’s Child Service’s CIC clients and in particular young people
- Only authorised software may be used on any of A Father’s Child Service’s CIC’s computer equipment;
- No downloads must be made without the prior authorisation from AFCS
- Only software that is used for business applications may be used or applied;
- No software may be brought onto or taken from A Father’s Child Service’s CIC’s premises without prior authorisation;
- Unauthorised access to the computer facility will result in disciplinary action; and potentially dismissal
- Unauthorised copying and/or removal of computer equipment/software/client notes/changing passwords (list not exhaustive) in all forms will result in disciplinary action, such actions could lead to dismissal without notice.
- Encrypting files where possible with a password is standard for updating all client notes.
Where appropriate, duly authorised staff are encouraged to make use of the Internet as part of their official and professional activities.
Attention must be paid to ensuring that published information has relevance to normal professional activities before material is released in A Father’s Child Service’s CIC’s name.
Where personal views are expressed, a standard disclaimer stating that this is the case should be clearly added to all correspondence.
The Intellectual property right and copyright must not be compromised when publishing on the Internet. (See The AFCS CIC Intellectual Property policy for further clarification)
The availability and variety of information on the Internet has meant that it can be used to obtain material reasonably considered to be offensive. The use of the Internet to access and/or distribute any kind of offensive material, or material that is not work-related, leaves an individual liable to disciplinary action which could lead to dismissal.
Zoom Services
When using Zoom there are strict guidelines to be adhered to, to maintain confidentiality and this policy should be read in conjunction with the ICO guide to what is Data? AFCS CIC DP GDPR Confidentiality Policy and the AFC ZOOM training document.
Features such as:
- The Waiting Room
- Security – Lock Meeting
- Sitting facing the light for the best lighting
- Ensuring that you do not have a door or window behind you to protect data information is paramount in the use of virtual delivery of our services.
- Not amending any of the basic settings such as auto-generated links, as that could compromise the security of the links making them more vulnerable.
- Live streaming of any support session is forbidden unless authorised by a senior member of AFCS CIC team in advance and in writing.
Which can be found here:
Procedures – Acceptable/Unacceptable Use
Unauthorised or inappropriate use of the internet system may result in disciplinary action which could result in summary dismissal.
The internet system is available for legitimate business use and matters concerned directly with the job being done. Employees using the internet system should give particular attention to the following points:
i) comply with all of our internet standards;
access during working hours should be for business use only;
private use of the internet should be used outside of your normal working hours.
c) A Father’s Child Service’s CIC will not tolerate the use of the Internet system for unofficial or inappropriate purposes, including:
i) Accessing websites which put our internet at risk of (including but not limited to) viruses, compromising our copyright or intellectual property rights;
non-compliance of our social networking policy;
connecting, posting or downloading any information unrelated to their employment and in particular pornographic or other offensive material;
engaging in computer hacking and other related activities or attempting to disable or compromise security of information contained on A Father’s Child Service’s CIC’s computers.
You are reminded that such activities (iii. and iv.) may constitute a criminal offence.
The use of the E-mail system is mandatory as its appropriate use facilitates efficiency and monitoring our client information in terms of data protection. Used correctly it is a facility that is of assistance to employees.
Inappropriate use however causes many problems including distractions, time wasting and can result in legal claims.
The procedure sets out A Father’s Child Service’s CIC’s position on the correct use of the E-mail system.
Procedures – Acceptable/Unacceptable Use
- Unauthorised or inappropriate use of the E-mail system may result in disciplinary action which could include summary dismissal.
- The E-mail system is available for communication and matters directly concerned with the legitimate business of A Father’s Child Service’s CIC. Employees using the E-mail system should give particular attention to the following points:
- All comply with Company communication standards;
- E-mail messages and copies should only be sent to those for whom they are particularly relevant in line with data protection;
- E-mail should not be used as a substitute for face-to-face communication or telephone contact. Flame mails (i.e. E-mails that are abusive) must not be sent. Hasty messages sent without proper consideration can cause upset, concern or misunderstanding;
- If E-mail is confidential the user must ensure that the necessary steps are taken to protect confidentiality. The Company may be liable for infringing copyright or any defamatory information that is circulated either within A Father’s Child Service’s CIC or to external users of and with the systems in place; and
- Offers or contracts transmitted by AFCS E-mail are as legally binding on A Father’s Child Service’s CIC as those sent on paper.
- The Company will not tolerate the use of the E-mail system for unofficial or inappropriate purposes, including:
- Any messages that could constitute bullying, harassment or other detriment;
- Personal use (e.g. social invitations, personal messages, jokes, cartoons, chain letters or other private matters);
- On-line gambling;
- Accessing or transmitting pornography;
- Transmitting copyright information and/or any software available to the user; or
- Posting confidential information about other employees, A Father’s Child Service’s CIC or its service users or suppliers.
- The changing of passwords is strictly prohibited in all circumstances
- Any reset of an email account blocked out must be completed through AFCS head office
We reserve the right to monitor all E-mail/Internet activity by you for the purposes of ensuring compliance with our policies and procedures and of ensuring compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements and you hereby consent to such monitoring.
Information acquired through such monitoring may be used as evidence in disciplinary proceedings.
- All content posted must not breach the confidentiality of any service users, staff or volunteers or compromise the reputation of AFCS
- All content (posted on both the organisations and staff/volunteer’s personal social media) must not bring the organisation of A Father’s Child Service’s CIC into disrepute. For example; no other organizations or people must be criticised. It would be prudent to include a disclaimer advising that
‘All comments, thoughts and posts shared are your personal opinions only’
- All permission must be gained before posting photographs or commenting on the activities of individuals who have fundraised for A Father’s Child Service’s CIC, or participated in our services.
- All content must not breach copyright laws and any reproduced material must have permission of the owner and a link to original source.
- All content must be sensitive and encouraging to service-users and no non-inclusive references to gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or age must be made, with consideration being given to The Equality Act and company policies such as Staff Conduct, Equality Diversity & Inclusion.
- All content should be in plain English, be short (around three lines maximum) and contain an image or video to encourage maximum exposure where we are publicising.
- All content must be approved by A Father’s Child Service’s CIC management before publishing, or the media & Marketing consultant.
- Policy violations will be subject to disciplinary action.
Types of Content:
Promotion of A Father’s Child Service’s CIC Services on the days they occur.
Promotion of developments at A Father’s Child Service’s CIC (for example; your donations have gone on expanding our counselling services, branching out into Birmingham).
Promotion of our fundraising events both before, during and after to thank everyone involved.
Promotion and highlighting of any partner’s that have funded projects past, present and future collaborations (Where applicable).
Encourage a conversation with social media users (for example: hope everyone is feeling good after our Wellbeing Garden Party?) and reply all comments within 24 hours. Ask followers for new fundraising ideas to engage in dialogue.
Share or retweet information on individuals fundraising for A Father’s Child Service’s CIC (e.g., Friends of A Father’s Child Service’s CIC) and news items relating to mental health and national Mind, as well as news items relating to local people.
6) Make social media as personalised to A Father’s Child Service’s CIC as possible – staff can introduce the fact that we are having a fundraising event in the form of video as opposed to just putting up the poster.
2.5 Training Requirements
Where staff require training to operate personally issued ICT equipment, training will be provided on issue of the equipment or as soon as reasonably practical.
3.3 Defective Company Equipment
In the event that equipment that is issued to A Father’s Child Service’s CIC staff members becomes defective, the employer should be notified immediately.
If the staff member is completing their daily duties and is unable to complete their duties without the use of their own personal ICT equipment. This MUST be limited to the use of their personal mobile phone to:
- Immediately notify the employer by telephone contact
- Continue with their current duties where it may cause harm or detriment to the client that you may be supporting, if your duties were not to be fulfilled
In any event, if any telephone contact is made to a vulnerable person or client via a personal mobile phone or other ICT information.
This MUST only be done where the staff member can withhold their personal contact information
(Contact information for the purpose of this statement is limited to a personal Work’s email addresses, or personal mobile – This phone MUST have the facility to withhold your number).
This will apply until the staff member is able to have new ICT equipment issued for their professional use.
In the event that you contact a young person and you have NOT withheld your number this MUST be reported to your employer immediately so that a note can be made on the client’s file for means of safeguarding.
3.0 Information and Communication Technology ICT and Young People
All communication when contacting young people on official works business should be conducted using work issued ICT computer equipment as defined at 2.1.
3.2 Communication with Young People
- Communication with any clients and young people must always take place with the appropriate person e.g. Referrer, Appropriate adult unless the child is the appropriate contact.
- Any contact made by to a young person must be to a number that is held on file for the young person.
- Any collection of additional contact details MUST be logged to show
- Who the contact information was provided by
- That consent has been provided by the data subject for contact to be made with this information, unless the person providing that information e.g. An Appropriate adult can provide consent
- The date the information was collected
- Any communication must be conducted in accordance with the A Father’s Child Service’s CIC Staff Conduct Policy and be strictly for the purposes of their role. Any and all contact that may be deemed as inappropriate, will be the subject of Disciplinary procedures and may result in the termination of employment.
- staff/volunteers/partners must NOT connect, become friends with or follow any young person employing our services.
- Young people MUST be directed to A Father’s Child Service’s CIC official social media accounts.
- Any Breach of this policy will become the subject of Disciplinary procedures and may result in the termination of employment.
3.3 Defective Company Equipment
In the event that equipment that is issued to A Father’s Child Service’s CIC staff members becomes defective, the employer should be notified immediately.
If the staff member is completing their daily duties and is unable to complete their duties without the use of their own personal ICT equipment. This MUST be limited to the use of their personal mobile phone to:
In any event if any telephone contact is made to a young person or vulnerable adult via a personal mobile phone or other ICT information.
This MUST only be done where the staff member can withhold their personal contact information.
(Contact information for the purpose of this statement is limited to a mobile phone ONLY).
Where this is not possible, the staff member MUST contact Head office, their line manager and arrange for a member of staff make that contact on their behalf.
This will apply until the staff member is able to have new ICT equipment issued for their professional use.
Where this is NOT possible, the staff member MUST contact Head office, their line manager or another member of staff and arrange for a member of staff to make that contact on their behalf.
This will apply until the staff member is able to have new ICT equipment issued for their professional use.
In the event that you contact a young person and you have NOT withheld your number this MUST be reported to your employer immediately so that a note can be made on the client’s file for purposes of safeguarding.
Also see AFCS CIC Safeguarding For Children & Young People Policy and AFCS CIC Safeguarding Adults Policy.